Saturday 26 May 2012

MEMORY of mind

Hoodwinked by d heart, hoofed by d dance
Triturated by d trallop, still feet on d ground
Upbraided by d parent, gobbledygook of best friendz
Memoir oh memoir, d maelstrom of mind!

Gnaw of deus-ex-machina, infra dig against mea culpa
Gobbet of truth in d heart, d raison d'etre of life
Tornado of love made me raconteur, ohh raillery on cell phone
Memoir oh memoir, d charade of dreams!!

Rapprochement of classmates, rapier of competitors
Rat of cater-cousin, rapture due to exult of amigo
Jiggery-pokery wid popsy in d park, juggling thoughts of mind
Memoir oh memoir, d juju of life!!!

Zoetic claim of zoilus, stal-wart ideas of mind
Orchid of bosom friendz, radiant due to company in restaurants
Burlesque of mephistophelian, morphine of associates
Memoir oh memoir, d mountebank of mind!!!!

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