Friday 13 January 2012


To be an I.A.S officer is my obsession
coz, i am crazy due to this fascination
this state of mind is not an infatuation
coz my heart says it will leads to fixation

eyes wide beside my dream, i will trace the path
over my profile, flicker and then die
no waxing swell of moon will press
its yellow ribbons through cracks
to aid my vision
                              the penance of still life says, the ghost in me remains
                              protecting what a furry, beyond legislated what
                              and rotting fence, where i have hidden everything
                              still the loyal faith in GOD and myself says
                                                      my obsession will result in fixation

 the obsession, the obsession and the fascination
                     with all its bewitching might
                     conduit for reveries
        and gently taunting madness of fixation.

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